Officers weren't surprised to find the drugs and the guns while searching an east Charlotte house at the tail end of a massive joint investigation.
But, police say, they were surprised to be arresting one of their own -- former police officer Theodore Kennedy.
Kennedy was arrested Monday at the tail end of a four-month investigation into suspected drug dealers using motels in northern Charlotte as a way station for crime.
Kennedy, who served as an officer from 1977 until 1993, is charged with possession with intent to distribute cocaine. His wife, Roberta Kennedy, is also charged.
Little is known about Kennedy's time on the force. (In 1985, he shot a west Charlotte man in the mouth during stepped-up police activities after a shootout at Piedmont Courts. He wasn't charged with a crime.)
But the Kennedys alleged drug connections are spelled out in a federal indictment that was submitted on Monday.
On Monday morning, according to the indictment, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police officers were attempting to serve an arrest warrant on Kerwin Burke at 5042 The Plaza. (According to WCNC-TV, Burke is the boyfriend of Kennedy's daughter.) Officers figured Burke was at the home because his 1996 Chevy Caprice Classic was parked there.
But when officers knocked on the front door, they were met by Kennedy, according to the affidavit. His wife came to the door too and consented to officers searching the house.
When officers entered the couple's bedroom, they saw what appeared to be a mixture of crack and cocaine on the bed -- in all about 17.6 grams. Kennedy entered the bedroom and said "That's all hers."
Officers asked Kennedy if he had any guns or weapons inside the bedroom and he responded "Yeah, I have a couple."
Officers found seven guns scattered through the bedroom. They also found another baggie of cocaine in a dresser drawer. The drawer also contained "Kennedy's police identification from his previous service with CMPD."
Monroe said Kennedy's status as a former officer won't shield him.
"No one is immune from this," Monroe said at the news conference on Monday. "If you choose to engage in drug sales or gun-running in this community, you're a target." -- Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
I know this report will stun those who blindly cheerlead CMPD. Hopefully it will open a few eyes. In the meantime as CMPD gets ever bigger, we'll also fatten up their list of incidents of cops speeding recklessly causing wrecks and putting taxpayers on the hook for the settlements, stopping a woman and forcing her to have sex, fixing DUI sobriety tests against sober drivers, and beating up a motorist guilty of a traffic infraction against the cops family.
ReplyDeleteWhen does it quit being isolated incidents and more a reflection of a too big CMPD with too aggressive tactics?
Well, if he's a former CMPD officer, he's not "one of their own" any more, now is he?
ReplyDeleteBesides, it isn't like Charlotte hasn't had crooked drug dealing cops before.
Not how it works dear. Once a cop always a cop. He could radio in his badge number in times of need and CMPD would rush to his side as if he joined the force just last week. ask a cop.
Deletethats a damn lie
DeleteAsk the cop that arrested him!!! The point is, he is no longer an officer! All cities have their share of rogue cops. We can not paint the CMPD with a broad brush. Some of you people think all CMPD officers are bad...until YOU need one!!!!!
DeleteChin up theo, you will be out in time to vote for the supreme being this fall.
ReplyDeleteI guess theo is a republican!
Deletedemocrats all the way baby
Delete17 grams of crack is hardley worth the ATFs time. let the state deal with this. Maybe they should knock on doors in the little Mexico parts of Charlotte, I bet they'd 1000s of grams and hundreds of pounds of pot. The residents are already illegal.
ReplyDeletethey get busted look a the news ,
DeleteAnon 12:18......its entirely possible this is the dumbest comment Ive ever read. Im interested to know what you do. And them Im interested to know if anyone at your job has ever had an infraction. Of course there are crooked cops or cops than bend the law. Any profession will have employees that screw up. Its not a reflection of how big the dept is though. As the city gets bigger so does the force. Thats called progression. My guess you or some family members have had some run ins with the law and thats why you dont have anything good to say.
ReplyDeleteI concur!!
DeleteAnonymous 12:18...Get a life. You have no idea what you are talking about. Get the facts before you start spewing off at the mouth. If you don't like what they are doing do something about it. Although that Felony conviction probably will limit your opportunities. Keep up the good work CMPD, those that really matter appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteAs far as im concerned none of yall know what the fuck you talking about or whats goin on, all yall need to get a life and stop fucking blogging about some shit you know nothing about. You cant believe everything you hear
DeleteNow why do people think blacks are stupid?
DeleteOh, yeah, THAT's WHY.
Thanks for the reminder, bro.
There's another upstanding Obama voter.
ReplyDeleteYour mom voted for Obama and she'll do it again.
DeleteActually his mama was down on her knee's in front of George Bush and his zipper was down and her mouth was doing a sucking motion
Deleteanon 12:25- Yawn pot- big deal I drink a 6 pack a night. You assume they are illegal, but just to humor you- illegal’s are guilty of 1 count of trespassing. Trespassing is normally a civil matter, but at worse case criminal trespassing is a misdemeanor. You know what else is a misdemeanor- speeding and j-walking. You act as if their crime is so horrible for crossing a border when in the laws eyes it’s as bad as speeding and j-walking- have you ever sped or j-walked? If so you are guilty of the same level of crime as they are, and if you have done either one more than once you are guilty of more crimes than them- how that make you feel?
ReplyDeleteYour mom voted for Obama and she'll do it again.
DeleteIf he is getting a pension or other money from the CMPD gig, he will not see it stopped, even if he is convicted. A lot of silly laws for government workers protects them this was.
ReplyDeleteWRONG!! Any state, city or governmental employee will lose their pension if CONVICTED of a felony.I'm sure teddy boy will gladly plead to a misdemeanor and serve any time he has to while still getting that monthly pension! Why do you think everyone pleads to a misdemeanor?
DeleteAnon, 12:27, The list of reasons for my aversions to CMPD is long, lengthy, and well-grounded..but thats not the point. I do agree there will always be crooked employees as any profession. Touche. My point was that some readers blindly support CMPD, post as if it is above reproach, and fail to see the string of instances of abuse of power. I attribute it to CMPD being overstaffed but thats simply my opinion.
ReplyDeleteSo Anon 1:12, your opinion is fewer cops is a good thing? That's just dumb. CMPD needs more cops. This city makes me laugh. Maybe we should make the military smaller while we're at it.
ReplyDeleteThis proves the thug culture at CMPD is nothing new and the culture of CMPD is abusive. Please look at the statistics on arrest and the statistics on convictions, especially among African American Males and you will see the proof. It is the culture at CMPD that must be changed going forward. Any abuse allows thugs to thrive. This is just the truth.
ReplyDeleteIt's called affermative action! Anytime a certain race is hired just because of their skin color and not because they meet the standards,the group as a whole is brought down.Just look at their promotions.Ever actually talked with a minority sgt or captain? The ones on tv are articulate for a reason because cmpd wants to seem like ALL THEIR EMPLOYEES are educated,but look at the behind the scenes black sgt's..It's like listening to james brown!
DeleteI'm stunned! Stunned I tell you! Someone at the Observer found this guy's picture! How did that happen? I thought you weren't including pictures in stories anymore, at least some pictures.
ReplyDeleteNot sure i understand what "gun running" is. I didn't know it was illegal to possess 7 guns in your own house.Kennedy has to be a rat for saying the crack was his wife's,but then maybe he knows the law and can beat this rap by blaming her.It was not stated if he was a retired cop,so i would have to guess his id is illegal to have unless he did retire.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ 2:08.Really? How is he going to "radio" anyone when he hasn't been on the force since 1993? Dumb statement by you!
ReplyDeleteWhere was this man on the night of March 31, 2007 when two CMPD officers were killed?
ReplyDeletethat has to do with him how???????????
DeleteThis guy really pointed to his wife and said it's hers? What a rat.He must really be an obama voter! Down with the ship teddy!
ReplyDelete"You see, what had happened was..."
ReplyDeletesounds like a bunch of cracker ass republicans on here being nosey as usual
ReplyDeleteSounds like a bunch of niggers on here!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey, isn't that cool, we can say nigger on this blog.
DeleteI've been waiting all Black History month to do that.
Censors, where are you?
ReplyDeleteYou're not doing your jobs...
Its not just african americans CMPD targets. They gave white punk rockers a permit to have a concert so they could beat them up it appeared a few years back.This event happened shortly before I was roughed up by them leaving a benefit downtown after work. Yes I work downtown as a professional for 20 years but they didn't like my bumper stickers for a punk band. CMPD has some cowboy skinheads working there and that needs to be addressed. They are out of control arresting anyone downtown. I won't ever go to another event downtown ever. Oh and the guy beat up by the cop for bumping his mommy's car. The guy had a punk rock t-shirt on. World class city you will never have a diverse downtown scene if you keep arresting every person who even likes a band you don't!
ReplyDeleteWhy such negative conversations ? Everyone is entitled to that. Now where is that fool that is still living with such a small mind !!
ReplyDeleteIt’s a fantastic post about Indictment spells out former officer's drug dealing arrest. Thanks for share this all information. I really like this all information.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if he has the money necessary to post bail? If not, he should visit http://www.accountabilitybonding.com/ and receive all of his bail bonds needs there!
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ReplyDeleteFuck y'all dumb ass comments